Third EFI winter conference on Quantum Gravity (2015)
Third EFI winter conference on Quantum Gravity
When and Where?
Monday, February 16 to Friday, February 20 2015 Tux, Austria
The current version of the program can be found here.
The conference dinner will take place Wednesday, Feb. 18, 19:00 at the restaurant Bergfriedalm.
General Information
The conference aims to bring together experts on canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity and related topics, in the scenic village of Tux, in the Austrian alps.
Hintertux Glacier
Topics covered by the conference include
- canonical and covariant LQG
- QFT in curved spacetime
- quantum physics of⁄near black holes
- physical observables of general relativity
Organizers of the conference are
- Norbert Bodendorfer <>
- Jerzy Lewandowski <>
- Hanno Sahlmann <>
Universytet Warszawski
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The venue of the conference is the Gletschersaal at the Tux Center.
The conference is supported by the Emerging Fields Initiative Quantum Geometry of the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and by the Institute for Quantum Gravity.
The slides of the talks are now becoming available. Please check the list below:
- Mehdi Assanioussi, Beyond: A new quantum Hamiltonian operator for LQG
- Norbert Bodendorfer, A quantum reduction to Bianchi I models in LQG
- Goffredo Chirco, Statistical mechanics for general-covariant systems
- Andrea Dapor, Rainbows from Quantum Gravity
- Beatriz Elizaga de Navascues, Effective homogeneous and isotropic scenarios emerging from states of the hybrid Gowdy model
- Muxin Han, Chern-Simons Theory, Flat Connections and 4d Quantum Geometry
- Maximilian Hanusch, Symmetry Actions and Invariance Conditions in LQG
- Marcin Kisielowski, First-order Dipole Cosmology
- Ilkka Mäkinen, Coherent state operators in loop quantum gravity
- Mercedes Martin-Benito, A glimpse of the early universe without real light
- Guillermo Mena Marugan, Mukhanov-Sasaki equations in Loop Quantum Cosmology
- Tomasz Pawlowski, Interfacing loop quantum gravity with cosmology
- Jorge Pullin, Recent results in spherically symmetric gravity
- Saeed Rastgoo, Polymerization and saddle point approximation issues in dilatonic black holes: a toy model
- Carlo Rovelli, Planck stars and fast radio bursts
- Giuseppe Sellaroli, Spinor operators in 3d Lorentzian gravity
- Jedrzej Swiezewski, Radial Gauge – reduced phase space of General Relativity
- Francesca Vidotto, Compact Phase Space for Loop Quantum Gravity
- Wolfgang Wieland, New action for simplicial gravity Curvature and relation to Regge calculus
- Edward Wilson-Ewing, A ΛCDM Bounce Scenario
- Xiangdong Zhang, 2+1 dimensional Loop Quantum Cosmology
Please let us know if you intend to attend the conference, so that we can plan and update the list of participants. Here is a partial list that will be updated from time to time:
- Ivan Agullo, Louisiana State University
- Martin Ammon University of Jena
- Mehdi Assanioussi, Warsaw University
- Benjamin Bahr, University of Hamburg
- Norbert Bodendorfer, Warsaw University
- Goffredo Chirco University Aix-Marseille
- Andrea Dapor, Warsaw University
- Andrzej Dragan, Warsaw University
- Maciej Dunajski, Cambridge University
- Maite Dupuis, University of Waterloo
- Beatriz Elizaga de Navascues, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia – CSIC
- Christian Fleischhack, University Paderborn
- Marc Geiller, Pennsylvania State University
- Florian Girelli, University of Waterloo
- Muxin Han, University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Maximilian Hanusch, University Paderborn
- Marcin Kisielowski, University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Kamil Lacina*, Jagiellonian University Krakow
- Suzanne Lanery University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Miklos Långvik, Helsinki University
- Jerzy Lewandowski, Warsaw University
- Klaus Liegener, University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Ilkka Maekinen, Warsaw University
- Mercedes Martin-Benito Radboud University Nijmegen
- Guillermo Mena Marugan, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia – CSIC
- Tomasz Pawlowski, Andres Bello University
- Jorge Pulin, Louisiana State University
- Saeed Rastgoo, Autonomous University Mexico City
- Carlo Rovelli, University Aix-Marseille
- Hanno Sahlmann, University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- John Schliemann, University Regensburg
- Giuseppe Sellaroli, University of Waterloo
- Jan Sikorski, Warsaw University
- Alexander Smith, University of Waterloo and Macquarie University
- Simone Speziale, University Aix-Marseille
- Jedrzej Swiezewski, Warsaw University
- Francesca Vidotto, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Wolfgang Wieland, Pennsylvania State University
- Edward Wilson-Ewing, Albert-Einstein-Institute
- Xiangdong Zhang, University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Antonia Zipfel, Warsaw University
*: To be confirmed.